Study on Portable Thyristor DC Ar-Aro Welder 轻便型晶闸管式直流氩弧焊机的研制
DC seam welder-"C" France Type. 直流缝焊机,“C”型。
The Automatic Detecting System of Properties of AC/ DC Electric Welder 交、直流电焊机特性自动检测系统
This derices can be used for course experiments of welding power source and property evaluation of the DC welder. 从而解决了《弧焊电源》课程实验和直流焊机动特性评定中存在的问题。
It is analyzed that electrode surface sticks dirty spot unevenly and electric field varies irregularly during welding the phosphorized weldment by 3-phase DC projection welder secondary rectification. 分析了三相次级整流凸焊表面磷化构件时,产生电极表面不均匀粘污,从而引起电流场发生畸变的原因。
Research of High Frequency Arc Starter and Its Interference to DC Inverted Tig Welder 高频引弧器及其对逆变直流氩弧焊机干扰性能的研究
Development of contactless commutation controller by computer for DC impulse wave spot welder 直流冲击波点焊机无触点换向微机控制器的研制
Research on IGBT Inversional DC Argon Welder IGBT逆变式直流氩弧焊机的研究